Le système des « Monster plant » était semblable à celui des Habbonimaux mais à une différence près : ces premiers pouvaient se
reproduire et on pouvait facilement doubler l’effectif de nos petits monstres. Au jour d’aujourd’hui les Habbonimaux ne peuvent pas se reproduire mais d’après les derniers codes découverts il semblerait que cela soit résolu. Voici les codes découverts :
gotobreedingnestfailure.getnest=Get a breeding nest
gotobreedingnestfailure.message.1=This room has no breeding nests suitable for your pet.
gotobreedingnestfailure.message.0=This room has no breeding nests.
gotobreedingnestfailure.message.3=The second pet to the nest needs to be owned by the nest owner.
gotobreedingnestfailure.message.2=The nest has no room for your pet.
gotobreedingnestfailure.message.6=Your pet is too tired to breed.
gotobreedingnestfailure.message.4=Your pet is already in the nest.
gotobreedingnestfailure.message.5=Pet cannot find a way to the nest.
gotobreedingnestfailure.caption=OH NO!
gotobreedingnestfailure.getfood=Get some pet food
gotobreedingnestfailure.subtitle=Your pet cannot go to the breeding nest
breedpets.confirmation.widget.raritycategory.4=COMMON (%percent%%)
breedpets.confirmation.widget.raritycategory.2=RARE (%percent%%)
breedpets.confirmation.widget.raritycategory.3=UNCOMMON (%percent%%) breedpets.confirmation.widget.raritycategory.1=EPIC (percent%%) breedpets.confirmation.alert.name.invalid.desc=Fix the name of the puppy and try again!
breedpets.confirmation.widget.button.cancel=No thanks, maybe later!
breedpets.cancel.notification.text=Jalostus on peruttu.
breedpets.cancel.notification.title=Jalostus peruttu
breedpets.confirmation.widget.request=Do you want to breed these pets and parent a cute little baby pet?
breedpets.confirmation.widget.info=The levels of the parents will affect the probability of getting new breeds that are rare. For these two pets the possible colors are as follows:
breedpets.confirmation.widget.text=Breeding these two pets will result a new baby pet for you to take care of. The nest will disappear in the process, but the parents will reamin unharmed!
breedpets.confirmation.alert.nonest.head=No nest found!
breedpets.confirmation.alert.name.invalid.head=Invalid nam
breedpets.confirmation.alert.nonest.desc=Could not find the breeding nest
breedpets.confirmation.alert.petsmissing.head=Pets missing
breedpetsresult.widget.seed1.description=Omistaja: %name%
On pourra reproduire nos Habbonimaux dans d’autres apparts, à condition que le « nid » soit activé. Des badges win-win ont également été découverts :
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