Récemment, des codes ont été uploadé sur les serveurs. Habbo mettra à disposition des utilisateurs six packs de promotions contenant les objets suivants. Nous pouvons dénombrer trois offres limités avec deux extra-rares qui datent de 2005. Le paravent turquoise, série d’une longue gamme de paravents orientaux et une colonne dorique verte, deux extra-rares présents sur l’hôtel français en infime quantité (entre 1 et 3 exemplaires).
targeted.offer.h15_tko_gr1a.desc=It’s amazing how much difference a rose or two makes, isn’t it? There’s no shortage of them in this deal – and also included is a lovely, ancient Romantique clock! (IF a bit musty smelling).
targeted.offer.h15_tko_gr1a.title=Rosy Romantique Deal
70 pièces de bronze
Un mois d’Habbo Club (25c)
Horloge Romantique
Dressing Romantique
Table de Café Rose
Table de Café Verte
Un badge inédit
Offre Restaurant Japonais
targeted.offer.h15_tko_gr1b.desc=How CUTE is the Daruma Doll in this deal? With it, you also get an Irori and a Tetsubin Teapot – you could even start your own Japanese restaurant!
targeted.offer.h15_tko_gr1b.title=Japanese Restaurant Dea
70 pièces de bronze
Un mois d’Habbo Club (25c)
Un paravent turquoise
Table Japonaise
Théière Tetsubin
targeted.offer.h15_tko_gr1c.desc=Dai uno sguardo al Candelabro! È il tocco brillante e perfetto per qualunque Stanza di un Habbo con classe! Ottieni due altri grandiosi Furni – una Colonna Rara e un Frigo Viola.
targeted.offer.h15_tko_gr1c.title=Pack Bling glamuroso
70 pièces de bronze
Un mois d’Habbo Club (25c)
Colonne dorique verte
Chandelier Bling
Frigo Bling
targeted.offer.h15_tko_gr2a.desc=As well as this eye-catching set of coffee tables, you also get the roses! And that’s just the START: the black coffee table is EXCLUSIVE to this deal, and you get an awesome Romantique clock as well.
targeted.offer.h15_tko_gr2a.title=Romantique Coffee House Deal
Bague Emeraude
Trois mois d’Habbo Club (60c)
Horloge Romantique
Dressing Romantique
Piano noir
Table de café Noire
Table de café Rose
Table de café Verte
targeted.offer.h15_tko_gr2b.desc=This is the PERFECT bunch of furni for all the Japan obsessives out there. Included is not ONE, but TWO mounted Katana blades! Not to mention the cute and EXCLUSIVE Ornate Shelf. Get involved!
targeted.offer.h15_tko_gr2b.title=Traditional Ancient Japan Deal
Bague Emeraude
Trois mois d’Habbo Club (60c)
Un paravent turquoise
Théière Tetsubin
Table Japonaise
Katana Bleu
Étagère ornée
Un badge inédit
targeted.offer.h15_tko_gr2c.desc=Grazie a questo nuovo glamuroso Pack, potrai fare una pennichella su una ESCLUSIVA Sedia slot Bianca. Aggiungi a questo, un luccicante Candelabro bling e un lussuoso Letto bling viola e praticamente avrai un vero e proprio set di Furni!
targeted.offer.h15_tko_gr2c.title=Pack Sedia Bling extra lusso
Bague Emeraude
Trois mois d’Habbo Club (60c)
Chandelier Bling
Frigo Bling
Tabouret Bling
Lit king size Bling
Colonne dorique verte
Un badge inédit