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Les mobis jeux olympiques sont là!
commentaires 44
Posté par acrombez le lundi 30 juillet

Alors que le twitter d’Habbo annonce que l’événement « Habbo-lympix » est en pleine préparation, les mobis de l’événement viennent d’être uploadés !























– Nouvel effet, torche…

handitem1031=Torcia Habbo-lympix

– Comme toujours, le lot de quêtes pour ne pas s’ennuyer (ou pas…):

quests.lympix1.1343140816131.completed=Excellent! You completed 14 of 16. You’re close to the finish line.
quests.lympix1.1343132514694.name=LIGHT THE TORCH
quests.lympix1.1343134778003.name=THE OLYMPIC HYMN
quests.lympix1.1343140152566.name=THRU THE JUNGLE
quests.lympix1.keepcalm.chaininfo=Take the torch on a journey around the world and then join the Habbo-Lympix Games!
quests.lympix1.1343121901227.name=GET READY
quests.lympix1.1343128965656.completed=Excellent! You completed 2 of 16. Now its time to start training.
quests.lympix1.1343142928288.desc=Before you reach the podium you need to jump some hurdles.
quests.lympix1.1343136539353.hint=Pass a torch to 5 other Habbos.
quests.lympix1.1343129598433.hint=Find 2 or more rollers, and try to stay on them for 30 seconds.
quests.freeze.FREEZEPOWERUP4.hint=Collect 30 Freeze power-ups to complete this quest.
quests.lympix1.1343140580039.completed=Got it! You completed 13 of 16. Now head to the Stadium.
quests.lympix1.1343121901227.completed=Great! You completed 1 of 16. You’re ready to run find a trainer.
quests.lympix1.1343140580039.name=TAKE THE TORCH BACK
quests.lympix1.1343134778003.completed=Great Singing! You completed 6 of 16. Now its time to pass the torch.
quests.lympix1.keepcalm.chaincaption=Keep Calm And Carry On
Click the Monster Plant for your discovery to count towards quest completion. quests.battleball.BBLOCKTILE4.name=Banzai Master I
quests.lympix1.1343140816131.desc=Get to the Stadium on time!
quests.lympix1.1343128965656.name=MEET THE COACH
Click the Monster Plant for your discovery to count towards quest completion. quests.prexmas11_1.1.name=The Mohawk
quests.lympix1.1343142928288.completed=Fantastic! You completed 15 of 16. The podium is really close, can you feel it?
quests.lympix1.1343143511032.name=THE GRAND FINAL
quests.lympix1.1343140816131.hint=Hold a torch and enter a room with at least 10 sports tracks and a goal post.
quests.lympix1.1343131815613.hint=Find a room with at least 4 Greek pillars, 2 Greek corners and a Greek gate.
quests.lympix1.1343140152566.hint=Hold a torch and enter a jungle room with at least 5 jungle patches.
quests.lympix1.1343132514694.hint=Find a Habbo-lympic Torch and double-click on it to receive a torch.
Tip: Pura Refridgerators give carrots. quests.xmas11_17.searchtag=freeze
quests.lympix1.1343143511032.desc=Nice! Stand on the podium and enjoy the moment with friends!
quests.lympix1.1343139395594.desc=Feeling warm? According to the map, your near the desert.
quests.lympix1.1343139395594.hint=Hold a torch and enter a desert room with at least 5 sand patches.
REWARDS quiz.HabboWay1.answer.3.1=The legendary
quests.lympix1.1343132514694.desc=In the spirit of the ancient Olympians, light a torch!
quests.lympix1.1343139395594.name=THRU THE DESERT
quests.lympix1.1343134778003.hint=Find the Greek lyrics of the Olympic hymn, and recite the first line (five words) while holding a torch. Hint: Oceanwiki may be helpful :)
quests.lympix1.1343131815613.completed=Congrats! You completed 4 of 16. It’s time to light the torch.
quests.lympix1.1343129598433.completed=Bravo! You completed 3 of 16. Now head to Greece where the games began.
Plants need to be lvl5 or higher. quests.lympix1.1343138893570.completed=Nicely Done! You completed 9 of 16. Next stop is the dessert.
quests.lympix1.1343139829473.desc=Feeling tired again?! Rest up after passing the torch.
quests.lympix1.1343138237864.name=THRU CHINA
quests.lympix1.1343121901227.hint=Change your looks to prepare for the games. Running shoes, shorts and a t-shirt will be a nice touch.
quests.lympix1.1343143511032.hint=Hold a torch while standing on a podium in a room with at least 20 other Habbo that are all holding torches as well.
quests.lympix1.1343138237864.hint=Hold a torch and enter a Chinese room with at least one Moon Gate and one Chinese Lantern.
quests.lympix1.1343138893570.desc=Lend a helping hand. Its your turn to carry the torch.
quests.lympix1.1343131815613.desc=Head to Greece where the Olympics got started ages ago.
quests.lympix1.1343138237864.desc=Get the Olympic flame to next stop: China.
quests.lympix1.1343128965656.hint=Before you get going, you really need a coach and some proper training. Track down a Health Nut in the Hotel.
quests.lympix1.1343139395594.completed=Excellent! You completed 10 of 16. Now keep on running.
Plants need to be lvl3 or higher. quests.xmas11_24.4.hint=Make sure ten Habbos in one room wear a X-mas hat and a beard.
quests.lympix1.1343129598433.desc=Start your training. Walk on rollers for 30 seconds.
quests.lympix1.1343140580039.hint=Receive a torch from 10 other Habbos.
quests.lympix1.1343142928288.hint=Walk over (jump) at least 10 hurdles.
quests.val12_12.1328086174512.name=Be Direct III
quests.lympix1.1343121901227.desc=Welcome to the Habbo-lympix! Change into training gear.
quests.lympix1.1343136539353.completed=Good job? You completed 7 of 16. Now head to China for the next step.
quests.lympix1.1343143511032.completed=Amazing! 16 of 16 completed. Thanks to you, the Habbo-lympix is a success.
quests.daily.FINDRAIL.name=Off The Rails
quests.lympix1.1343139829473.hint=Pass a torch to 10 other Habbos.
quests.lympix1.1343138237864.completed=Well done! You completed 8 of 16. Half way there! Now go get a torch.
quests.lympix1.1343136539353.desc=Feeling tired? Rest up after passing the torch to 5 Habbos.
mannequin.widget.save=Save outfit
quests.lympix1.1343139829473.name=HAND OVER THE TORCH
quests.lympix1.1343132514694.completed=Wow! You completed 5 of 16. Time to start the relay.
quests.globe.findrhinos.desc=Find exotic Rhinos of 3 different colors!
quests.lympix1.1343140152566.completed=Great! You completed 12 of 16. Now go get the torch and head to the stadium.
quests.lympix1.1343138893570.name=RECEIVE THE TORCH
quests.lympix1.1343131815613.name=GO TO GREECE
quests.lympix1.1343139829473.completed=Nice work! You completed 11 of 16. Now head to the Jungle for the next step.
quests.lympix1.1343138893570.hint=Receive a torch from 5 other Habbos.
quests.lympix1.1343140816131.name=THE STADIUM
quests.lympix1.1343128965656.desc=Track down a Health Nut in the hotel.
quests.lympix1.1343129598433.name=START TRAINING
quests.lympix1.1343136539353.name=PASS THE TORCH


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